Friday, July 19, 2024

A Boomerang Site! More comes back to you here



I have signed up for another program which I hope will start to give me some results.

It is called Boomerang Blaster, On Boomerang Blaster, You gain more as it gives back every time you use it...

For me being an old Fella, it took me some time to get it set up, there were a lot of di fferent sites to join.

I have joined all the programs as a free Member, 

The only issue I found was with 2 Programs, Profits Lion and Pangea Group with these you need to go into your Members area and select send no emails in the drop-down box, otherwise you will get a flood of emails straight away.

It is early days, time will tell.

This is my Afilliate Link

This is what the Program promises,

(1) Make a -realistic- 1000+ every month with this.

We will show you how. It really is a simple, beast.

(2) Unique AUTO blaster tool.

The more you blast, the more it comes back to you!

It'll give you free blasts as you use it.

-Set the time of when to blast your ads out.

-They go to ALIVE sites.

-No return emails or hassle.

(3) Cashout on 10 different programs on the page, PLUS your own - wow !

Who doesn't need a grand a month?

Who doesn't need an autoblaster?

You need them - just go here...

To Your Success,

Warm Regards,


Thursday, July 18, 2024

Free Website Hits Tracker

I get a bit confused about what Traffic I am getting from which of my Sites I am Promoting, so I went looking for the answer, had to be free of course, I found one, It has a lot of Tools which does the job perfectly.

I believe If you're not tracking your ads, you're pouring money down the drain that should be in your pocket...

When you do track, then you can keep testing and refining and changing your ads, so they

become more and more effective over time..

Instead of a money-draining expense that you dread paying for each month, your advertising

becomes the most profitable investment you make...

It's up to you...but spare a little of your time to take a look at an amazingly simple method for tracking all your ads:

The Name of the Site is Hits Connect, it is very simple to use, even I can use it.

This is my Affiliate link

To Your Success,

Warm Regards,


Bookmark for more Free and Low-Cost Ideas to Make Money Online.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

These Two Are Worth Looking At

These two are worth looking at; is a personalized image service offering a lot of value. While it caters to the majority of marketers out there, a small group may need more than what is on offer here, albeit at a monthly price. The compensation plan and referral system are what really set apart from other programs, and the fact that the service on offer is evergreen ensures this gets two thumbs up.

It is not cheap, but, you can start off for Free and then concentrate on getting the 3 referrals, this will  enable you to have a Pro Membership for FREE.

Another system I have joined up with is The Click Engine which seems to be the best value for money to help get my 3 referrals for a reasonable price . 

Bookmark this Site for updates.

To your Success.

Check out These Free and Low Cost Traffic Exchanges

 I found some more Free and Low-Cost Traffic Systems;

This one is perfect and absolutely Free take the time to check it out,

this is my Affiliate Link  for Subzero Hits Click Here

Come back soon for some more useful sites.

To your success.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Totally Free Traffic Exchange

 Check out "Totally Free TE" where using this Traffic Exchange is
actually totally free.

There is nothing to buy here, we do not sell any credits or upgrades
and every member gets the same benefits - for free.

Not one to surf for  traffic? No problem, you can get free traffic by
introducing others. Unlike most that give you a few credits, we have
one of the most (If not the most by a long way) traffic rewarding.

To Your Success,

Warm Regards,



You can sign up for Leadsleap HERE 

What you will get;

 Traffic to your websites. Human, not bot.
List manager. 10 lists, unlimited subscribers.
Page builder. 10 pages, hosting included.
Popup creator. 10 popups, hosting included
Link tracker. 199 trackers and 10 rotators.
Make money. 5 ways, some super easy.

Worth a look

To your Success,

Warm Regards,


Saturday, June 15, 2024

Traffic For Free


Traffic Ad Bar

I have been with Traffic Ad Bar for several years now, it is a FREE way to generate website traffic for your websites.

Unlike many other services, Traffic Ad Bar uses a level ladder that generates hits for members by using the "Daily Update Email".

But the main reason I joined more than any other was that I can use the Traffic Ad Bar to advertise my website completely FREE, AND reach almost everyone on the internet!

Click HERE to find more.

To your Success

Warm Regards,
